Hot Water Bottle Cozy

Monday, 24 August 2020

My friend Alison likes to send me magazine clippings she thinks I would appreciate. She's right on every time. The latest clipping I received was a picture of a hot water bottle cozy knit with oatmeal coloured wool with a cable down the front. I knew I had to try to make a pattern of my own, how hard could it be! Well, four attempts later I think I've come up with the keeper. Sadly, after four attempts I gave up on the cable, it got too complicated. Funny thing, after I finished the first version I went into the Indigo Book Store on Bay and Bloor and found the exact water bottle cozy in the clipping for $29.99! I was going to save this pattern for myself until after Christmas, but I thought maybe some of you would like to make some quick Christmas/Holiday gifts, as well. I hope you don't mind that it's not typed out. It's a small pattern, but I hope it isn't too hard to read! Plus, I thought my wonky little drawing might make you smile.
The pattern. Click on it to make it larger. Let me know if anything confuses you or is incorrect. ERRATA: Super important on the increase row right after the ribbing you should end up with 32 stitches, not 36! Anna (who is smart as a whip!) caught this math problem right away. She is right, if you start with 16 stitches and increase one for every stitch you have, you end up with 32. Now you know why I'm not a mathematician. :P Thanks Anna!
The supplies. You'll need two skeins of Blue Sky Alpaca's Bulky yarn and circular or dpn needles in US size 17 or 12.75mm.
The back with a hole for removing the water bottle. The front.
The first attempt. I need more water bottles to fill them now. I used two balls in a mustard color and one in grey to make three.


1. anabela / fieldguided said...

That's pretty funny -- I tried to convince my mom to buy me that exact hot water bottle, but she bought me a cheaper, fleece one instead. That thing has been so amazing to have lately.

2. Celine said...

I really REALLY like these!!

3. katrina said...

i have been looking for a pattern for one of these.

4. Cara said...

Ha ha - my mom just bought me a hot water bottle when she was out a a couple weekends ago! And I had the perfect yarn to make one... except that Scott insisted his ears needed it more than my hot water bottle. Questionable.

5. Anna McClurg said...

awesome! this is perfect. i was thinking of making a few of these as gifts and i think this pattern fits exactly. i looked through the pattern and found a few things i'm not sure are correct. first, the part where you say "make 1 purl stitch then knit one all the way around for 36 stitches." Does that mean you make an extra stitch all the way around (all 16sts) which would double the amount of sts on the needle? If that is the case, should you end up with 32 stitches instead of 36?

hope that isn't too confusing! i'm so not good at describing what i mean sometimes! anyways, i am going to get my hands on some chunky wool and some hot water bottles! i can't wait! thank you so much for sharing this!! :)

6. erica-knits said...

Anabela, That's too funny! I'm glad you have one to keep you warm. :)

Celine, thanks! I'm glad. :)

Katrina, oh hurray!

Cara, hmm Scott's ears over your water bottle. This is debatable. Also, your mother is a smart one.

Anna, thanks again for catching my mistake! It could have been ugly! :)

7. stephanie renee said...

These are great, I am so envious of your knitting skills!

8. Michelle said...

those look great! I really like the mustard and grey together. Have you heard about Winter Fling A Craft Thing that is happening this weekend? Just thought you might be interested! Take a look at the website, which has a list of vendors!

9. erica-knits said...

Stephanie Renee, thank you! Don't be envious, there's lots of super tutorials online to get you started! :)

Michelle, Thanks! I just made plans with a pal to visit that craft sale! :) Thanks for letting me know.

10. Catherine said...

Can you tell me where to find the original pattern?

11. erica-knits said...

Hi Catherine, I'm sure the original pattern exists but it's probably owned by Chapters/indigo. That's the funny story of my pattern, I got the picture of the original with no information on it, so I made my own, only to find out later that a Canadian bookstore chain sells the very one in the picture!

12. Anonymous said...

that it such a great idea and pattern..i love the mustard colour too..just great...

13. Victoria said...

Hi, I've just finished your cozy. the pattern was so easy and quick to make, especially for a newbie knitter like me.

check out the finished product on my blog:

14. Lucille said...

First of all, thanks so much for this pattern! I've just started and it's looking great, looking forward to giving it to a friend.
I just wanted to clarify on one thing- Row 26- does that say SSK or 5SK? And what exactly is SSK? I can't seem to find an explanation of it anywhere.
Thank you!

15. Anonymous said...

Lucille! SSK is Slip Slip Knit :)

16. erica-knits said...

Lucy! Yes, it is SSK, meaning slip, slip, knit-slip two stitches knit-wise and then knit them together. Here's a good video tutorial:
I hope you got my earlier email response!

Anonymous, Thanks! :)

17. Lucille said...

Thanks so much!

18. Anonymous said...

Is it necessary to use the yarn you stated? I like using a worsted yarn 4ply, I am a new knitter and love you bottle cover. My granddaughter wants one and I thought I would venture into to try it. I have currular needles in a 13 and would that work? Thank you, Diana

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